Thursday, February 26, 2009

Snowboard Lesson – Air Time

Launching into the air on a snowboard is a natural progression that should be undertaken once you've taken a snowboard lessonor two, and are now comfortable with linking turns and stopping. Start with small moguls, banks or headwalls with safe landing areas. A couple of speed checks though the launch area will familiarise you with what lies ahead. Look for modest downslopes for smooth landings and relax.
As you approach the jump lay your snowboard flat to the snow to provide maximum speed, bend your knees into a knock-kneed position and assume a low, tucked position. Your arms and hands should be in front of you body at the same width as your shoulders. For maximum air, you need to time your lift-off with a full body extension (an Ollie), swing your arms up and spring off the snow as you reach the crest of the jump. In the air, keep your weight centred and bring your knees up towards your chest. Don't lean over or bend from the waist, this will put you off-balance. Use your hands for balance at first, once you've found your balance point then start trying grabs. To land, drop your back leg slightly and let the tail of the snowboard touch the snow first. Let gravity bring the rest of the board down smoothly, keep your knees bent and absorb the landing. Keep your hands in front of you and avoid "butt-checking" your landing.
To dial in snowboard lessons like this one before you even hit the slopes, Click here, and be on your way to becoming a master of snowboarding.

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